We become the person we needed when we were younger. I started dancing at three, acting at eight and professionally singing at eleven.

I used to take pride in being the person that other people needed. That was truly what brought me joy. I was going through life feeling like my existing didn't count, I had to prove that I deserve to be alive, that's truly who I was.

In 2017 I started listening to some really beautiful messages that completely shifted my mindset. Yet, I still fought thoughts that I’d lost so much time.

Growing up Catholic I experienced mixed messages through the lens of being born out of wedlock to a single mother. That, paired with my love of performing felt like I was always knocking on the door of somebody, and never being let in.

2020 presented a new career opportunity to share my painting with the world. I simply put myself and work out there, saying, "This is what makes me happy," which unlocked a new door.

My career shift began with a mermaid series that brought me joy, and to my surprise, people embraced it. People I admired supported me and purchased my work. That support confirmed I was on the right path. As the path began to disappear I realized that true success meant there was no clear path anymore—I was pioneering something new. I'm building my own business and universe through; painting, dancing, singing, acting, fashion.

For years, I've put up the scaffolding of my life. Knowing it would lead to doing the actual construction. Today, I'm working on parts of the building while still setting up scaffolding in others. This is how a masterpiece is created.